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2009 Senate Bill 157: Create Budget Review Act
Introduced by Sen. Sander Rue R- on January 21, 2009
To require at least 72 hours between the committee report passing a budget related bill and the vote on the bill, and 24 hours after the offering of an amendment before a vote on the amendment, in order to give legislators and the public adequate time to review the bill. This bill also allows the time periods to be waived with a 2/3 vote of the house or senate or committee of the house or senate.   Official Text and Analysis.
Referred to the Senate Public Affairs Committee on January 21, 2009
Amendment offered in the Senate on February 13, 2009
To revise the requirement for an appropriation or revenue bill to be held prior to moving to the floor or another committee from 72 hours to 24 hours.
The amendment passed by voice vote in the Senate on February 13, 2009
Referred to the Senate Rules Committee on February 13, 2009